Design an in home device providing a seamless and efficient system of users, mindful of personal wellness.
SolidWorks | Keyshot | Proof of Concept | Video + Animation
Professor - Carl Ledbetter
January 2024

77% of people lie to their health care provider about their health.
How might a product encourage one to become more honest, understand their well-being from different angles, and allow thoughtful reflection?
Thinking about behaviors as a whole, allows one to begin to understand themself and encourages them to think rationally, balanced.
It is important that mindfulness and health practices stay discrete and private.
People find comfort in building routine in their lives, it brings a feeling of stability.
How might a device empower someone when going through a difficult time. How might someone learn from that and continue to grow.
Be tactile, physically intriguing.
Communicate a level of wellbeing, from celebrating little wins to showing areas of one’s life that need more emphasis, while being discrete.
Show trajectory or growth.
Use material, light or both as visual hierarchy to communicate a level of growth or change.
Rely mostly on the physical object, with an app being a secondary function.
Discretely exist in a variety of forms somewhere between sculpture and function.
All around us time is subconsciously kept, through the subtle degradation of our everyday objects.
Found Materials
From our devices we interact with everyday to the handle that has been touched by hundreds of students, materials are ever telling of time.
Raw Materials
Most metals, soft goods, and occurrences in nature gain patina over time, to show life through beautiful degradation.
Honesty is demonstrated through the tactile act of moving the stone while time is kept by the gradual wear of the stone itself.
The magnets symbolize your chosen pillars of wellbeing, they sit between two layers of material to stay in one spot when not being manipulated.
The body is made from glass, and becomes a light when turned on.
The base is stone with a small gap that allows the glass frame to spin to access all magnetic points.
The smart stone allows the user to move each pillar.
Mira App
Be interactive upon onboarding.
Access to individualizing what your device means.
Show available resources.
Time lapses show growth.
Mira’s app allows the user to still interact with the device even when away from home.
For the user that wants to be able to see how each pillar of wellbeing fluctuates over time there are monthly time lapses.
After scrolling to the bottom, each pillar is able to give a pop up of information. Quick suggestions, immediate support.
Further resources and support can be found within the app, and as Mira gains understanding of you, AI is able to generate more specific, targeted information.
Be secondary.
Should be laid out hierarchically by most important and valuable actions. For ease.
Have some level of “friend” connections.